by Natalie Ritchie | Aug 26, 2018 |
I’m job-hunting. I’m a mother. And I have a home to run. You would think that, after more than half a century of feminism, jobs would come designed to fit working mothers. Not a chance. So far, almost every position I’ve applied for has been brutally full-time....
by Natalie Ritchie | Aug 19, 2018 |
A gender pay gap? Really, feminism? Is that our biggest gap-issue? For I can spot plenty of gender gaps—make that abysses—both inside and outside the workplace. And it’s feminism that creates them. Take these gaps: The Unpaid Gap If there is a stand-out...
by Natalie Ritchie | Aug 12, 2018 |
In an eloquent piece last Tuesday, Dr Janice Fiamengo, Professor of English at the University of Ottawa, Canada, made the case that feminism is a religion. While she is right to identify its god as the “divine feminine,” it is also easy to make the opposite case—that...
by Natalie Ritchie | Aug 4, 2018 |
Should Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister and mother of a new baby, rewrite the PM’s role to part-time? I said yes, in an opinion piece in the NZ Herald on 21 July. My goal was not to criticise her parenting arrangements, or to imply she should be lead...